June 1st ,2024
Indispensable for the Green Deal
The debate on restricting or banning perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) continues. Among other things, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is currently carrying out socio-economic assessments of a possible PFAS ban. It is already worth taking a closer look at fluoropolymers.
28 May 2024, Frankfurt a.M.
Dr Michael Schlipf, spokesperson for the fluoropolymer group at pro-K
While environmental and consumer protection organisations are calling for comprehensive restrictions on PFAS, industry associations and companies are warning of the far-reaching consequences for numerous fields of application that would be associated with bans. ‘No wind turbines, no energy storage systems, no electric cars, no semiconductors. PFAS is not just a chemical issue, but an application issue. Without PFAS, the key technologies needed for the climate-neutral transformation of industry and society can neither be produced nor operated. This would make the environmental and climate protection goals of the EU Green Deal unattainable,’ says Dr Michael Schlipf, spokesperson for the Fluoropolymer Group at pro-K.
Fluoropolymers are an important subcategory of PFAS. Due to their different chemical structure and properties, they must be considered a separate family within the broad PFAS group, as they are considered harmless to health and are classified as 'products of low concern' according to OECD criteria, i.e. safe. In addition, fluoropolymers are almost irreplaceable in everyday life in numerous applications that are almost vital. Threat to European sovereignty For fluoropolymers, as with plastics in general: recycling and circularity are an important contribution to reducing polymers in the environment. "Through the responsible use of PFAS and their proper recycling, the European industry is not dependent on imports for critical products. A chemical process already exists for fluoropolymers that can close the product cycle through upcycling," says Dr. Michael Schlipf. This is unique in the world, says the spokesman, and can be scaled up in other European regions. It is therefore all the more important to secure the production and recycling of fluoropolymers in the EU. The planned closure of the Dyneon plant in the Gendorf Chemical Park shows what a ban on PFAS means for fluoropolymer production and processing. "The proposal on the table to develop Dyneon from a PFAS manufacturer to a PFAS recycler plays a crucial role in securing the sovereignty of European industry and achieving the Green Deal," said Dr. Schlipf. pro-K publishes white paper The entire PFAS chemical group comprises more than 14,000 substances, of which only 38 are fluoropolymers. To point out their importance for industry and their contribution to climate neutrality, the pro-K Fluoropolymer Group has published a white paper with the key information on the ECHA restriction procedure for PFAS and fluoropolymers. In addition to basic knowledge about polymers, the paper focuses on recycling and also shows which paths other countries are taking with PFAS and fluoropolymers. The white paper is available free of charge on the pro-K website:
Link to download Press release as download (only available in german there)
April 1st ,2023
Start entering your applications here! Save your application ! Save the Fluoropolymers!
March 1st ,2023
Thanks to Gujarat !
January 1st ,2023
The supply situation at Polychromos is still good, we are able to deliver in all product areas, good planning made this possible.
We expect the market for thermoplastic fluoroplastics to continue to be strained, but unfortunately the market situation has deteriorated.
The imminent loss of global players will cause further market turmoil in the next two years. Feel free to get in touch with us.
August 1st ,2022
The supply situation at Polychromos is still good, we are able to deliver in all product areas, good planning made this possible.
However, we strongly recommend that you cover your own needs as precisely and as early as possible, short-term deliveries are becoming increasingly difficult.
Januar 1st ,2022
We wish all business partners, customers and friends of the company a great, successful and healthy 2022!
2nd Stakeholder Consultation on a Restriction for PFAS
I. Reasons and aims of this analysis
Update: The submission period was extended from the 19th of September to the 17th of October 2021!
The competent authorities for REACH of the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway are currently preparing a REACH Annex XV Restriction Dossier for the group of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) described below (as defined under Section II. Substances) since all these substances are considered to be persistent.
The consequences of this persistence include that the presence of these substances in the environment is practically irreversible, and pose an unacceptable risk to the environment and humans. All uses of PFAS (professional and industrial uses, consumer uses of mixtures and articles) result in emissions into the environment and contribute to the overall concentrations of PFAS in the environment. Many members of this group already occur ubiquitously in the environment and contaminate the ground- and untreated water due to their high mobility. In addition, some of these substances accumulate in biota and/or are suspected to be toxic.
In view of these properties, the above mentioned competent authorities for REACH are considering proposing EU-wide measures covering all PFAS (as defined under Section II. Substances) to reduce those risks.
This questionnaire is intended to provide you/the respondents with the current overview the five authorities have on the different uses of PFAS. By checking the presented data and providing feedback you/the respondents can ensure that the correct information is used for the assessment and preparation of a REACH Annex XV Restriction Dossier. Furthermore, you/the respondents can provide the authorities with currently still lacking information. EEA tonnages & emissions presented depict the European perspective, which the authorities created from the gathered information. If tonnages or emissions are challenged, please do so at European level, not at individual company level. For alternatives (and transition costs) this is slightly different and individual companies likely have valuable information
Source and Survey <-- klick me!
May 1st , 2021
CORONA update !
We are still there for you! So far we have been able to offer our full service and products in full! Further information can be found here in the current area!
October 1st , 2019
We hereby announce, that Mr. Andreas Meuser has been registered since October 1, 2019 with a total power of attorney at the district court of Cologne in the commercial register Abt.B.
Mr. Erik Peters leaves the management, but remains as a contact person for the company, through the Fietz group affiliation.
August 22st , 2019
We are pleased to get an expansion of our storage capacity, in the direct neighborhood to our company, enabled by the shareholders.
This step, which is very important for us, secures the further expansion of Fietz Polychromos GmbH.
March 1st , 2019
LaserWrite®-Technologie in semitransparent applications has reached its production maturity.
January 1st , 2019
Again, we`re happy to look back at an successful year and look forward to further expanding our market position with further investments in plants and people. We also adjusted well to a potential bottleneck situation in the fluoropolymer market and increased our stock levels in the raw materials sector. We are particularly pleased to be able to win Mr. Andreas Meuser for us, he has an excellent knowledge in the field of fluoropolymers especially in the cable industry there.
May 1st , 2018
With two new machines we are able to regranulate and filter fluoropolymeres to produce high quality products.
Please, get into contact.
December 1st, 2017
2017 will be the most succesful year in the young history of Fietz Polychromos. New customers, extended product range and more machinery.
Please stay tuned for more news in the near future.
December 1st,2016
With new machinery we are having more possibilities in compounding products in high quality an short-term
September 1st, 2016
With new LiquidC® we are now able to offer liquid colors for very thin materials, for example foils. Please give us a call.
January 1st, 2016
One year Fietz Polychromos – we celebrate the first year in a strong group – Fietz Gruppe
October 15th, 2015
Our new website is online.
August 1st, 2015
Fietz Polychromos relocates its manufacturing from Geilenkirchen to Burscheid, near the headquarters of the Fietz Group into a newly acquired production facility. Fietz Polychromos now has a larger production floor and bigger warehousing to accommodate the increasing demand of customers.
July 1st, 2015
Change in leadership. Peter Ulrich Sack joins as a new managing director and replaces Maryo Fietz.
January 1st, 2015
The Fietz Group acquires Polychromos GmbH, which henceforth does business under the name of Fietz Polychromos GmbH. Mr. Maryo Fietz joins as managing director.